In a perfect world, our dogs are always perfectly behaved and our relationships with them are harmonious and mutually rewarding... gosh, wouldn't that be nice? Unfortunately, reality tends to fall a little shy of perfect.
Those of us lucky enough to be graced by the company of a loving canine strive to have the best possible relationships with them. At times, this can be a struggle. We all strive to do our best with our dogs, yet a great deal of the information we have immediate access to is antiquated or has been debunked by scientific studies. Research has shown that many methods seen on popular television can actually train our dogs to become more aggressive and fearful, masking the symptoms of problem behaviors without correcting them at their source.
At TRCS we use up to date, science and learning theory based methods to foster positive, thriving relationships with our canine family members. All training, walking, and behavior modifications are force free and dog friendly. Our goal is to empower owners by teaching them the most effective ways to communicate with their companions and cultivate balance with even the most unruly of their four legged friends.
Those of us lucky enough to be graced by the company of a loving canine strive to have the best possible relationships with them. At times, this can be a struggle. We all strive to do our best with our dogs, yet a great deal of the information we have immediate access to is antiquated or has been debunked by scientific studies. Research has shown that many methods seen on popular television can actually train our dogs to become more aggressive and fearful, masking the symptoms of problem behaviors without correcting them at their source.
At TRCS we use up to date, science and learning theory based methods to foster positive, thriving relationships with our canine family members. All training, walking, and behavior modifications are force free and dog friendly. Our goal is to empower owners by teaching them the most effective ways to communicate with their companions and cultivate balance with even the most unruly of their four legged friends.